The right to enjoy your property and keep it free from unwanted trespassers or other invasions is a bedrock principle in our legal tradition. However, modern life has made this principal increasingly difficult to protect. Our contemporary reality has demonstrated that there is a need to shift our understanding of what it takes to protect […]
Construction projects tend to involve many different workers doing many different jobs. Sometimes, construction companies hire employees who only work on that particular company’s projects. In many other situations, however, crews can be made up of independent contractors,1 sub-contractors, and other self-employed workers. Recognizing the legal distinction between an independent contractor and an employee is […]
Just as every individual must pay their annual taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),1 every business must also pay taxes. There are many different types of business taxes and how you should file your tax returns largely depends on the type of business you own. For example, some business types are taxed as follows: […]
The National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) reports1 that financial abuse and exploitation is a rapidly increasing form of elder abuse in the United States. Financial elder abuse occurs anytime another individual wrongfully or fraudulently takes money or property from an elderly adult. Financial abusers can be strangers, caretakers, or even trusted family members or […]
Child custody questions may arise out of divorces, paternity suits, or later issues if a parent’s capabilities are questioned or a parent wishes to modify an existing custody arrangement. Courts will make child custody decisions based on what is in the “best interest of the child.” What factors does a court consider? Washington law requires […]
If an employee is on the clock but is performing work off the job site, it is only natural that you may want to monitor their actions. Using GPS satellite technology1 is one way that many employers are monitoring their construction employees when they go off site. With GPS, you can monitor where employees go, […]
Conducting business on the internet is extremely convenient, but can also be risky due to the threat of hacking, identity theft, and other types of fraud that may cause a consumer injury. For this reason, many people are wary to engage in transactions on websites they do not trust or that do not seem secure. […]
There are an estimated 23 million small businesses1 throughout the United States and our economy and job market in part depends upon the success of the businesses. If you own your own business, you not only want the company to thrive while you are alive, but also likely after your death. While all of us […]
There are many opportunities for parties to use fraud in order to wrongfully take money or property during a construction project. The following are only some of common construction fraud schemes. False information on payment applications – Falsifying payment applications can cover up a wide range of fraudulent and wrongful actions, including funneling money, covering […]
Child support orders are based on calculations involving the income and qualified expenses of each parent and a specific schedule set out by state law.1 However, as we all know, income and expenses can change significantly over time. If one or both parents experience such a change before the child reaches age 18, the existing […]