Intestate means that one has died without creating a will. When this happens, the intestacy laws of the state where you reside will determine how your property is distributed upon your death. This includes any bank accounts, securities, real estate, and other assets you own at the time of death. Real estate owned in a […]

Dictionary Definition Probate 1. (a) : the action or process of proving before a competent judicial authority that a document offered for official recognition and registration as the last will and testament of a deceased person is genuine (b) : the judicial determination of the validity of a will 2. : the officially authenticated copy […]
If you believe you need to bring an environmental claim against another party or if you are facing an environmental claim, it is important to have Tacoma environmental law lawyers handling your case who will explore different alternative dispute resolution1 options whenever possible. One option that can save you time, money and energy is mediation. […]
In response to the sub-prime mortgage crisis of the latter part of the last decade, the United States government instituted several programs to help homeowners and tightened regulatory controls on the mortgage industry. One the programs created was the Home Affordable Modification Program,1 often referred to as “HAMP.” The program encourages lenders to lower homeowners’ […]
Many companies produce waste as part of their operations and much of this waste is potentially hazardous to your health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports1 that companies produce an estimated 40 million tons of hazardous waste in the United States on an annual basis. This waste can cause illness, birth defects, and other serious […]
If you own a company, it is always important to comply with any applicable environmental laws involving clean air, clean water, waste disposal, and more. However, you may still be surprised to find your operation facing a legal action for environmental wrongs. These claims are often based on allegations of environmental nuisance and the claims […]
Unlike in many other states, people who are buying or selling a home are not required to have an attorney present at a real estate closing. This is not to say, however, that it is not a good idea to have an attorney thoroughly review the transaction in which you are about to enter, especially […]
The Obama Administration circulated a memorandum on Nov. 1, 2015 that directed designated federal agencies to modify existing policies to incorporate a “net benefit goal” to reduce the impact of utilizing natural resources. The revised approach was to be adopted by the EPA; Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, and Defense; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]
The U.S. Supreme Court stepped in earlier this year after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established national caps on the release of mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants. In establishing the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), the agency weighed the health benefits of the new standards and concluded that the rule would […]
Homeowners often face financial hardships that threaten their ability to make their mortgage payments on time. Because the family home constitutes the most significant asset for many households, the prospect of foreclosure can be an alarming possibility. Fortunately, a range of options including loan modification programs provide viable options that have enabled many people to […]