Assisting with real estate disputes between brokers and buyers
Many real estate transactions involve a broker or agent who works closely with the property buyer and/or seller throughout the deal. Unfortunately, there is the opportunity for disputes to arise between brokers and the parties to the transaction in several different ways. If your broker causes you to suffer losses, you should always seek the as15 minutesistance of an experienced real estate attorney to discuss how you can hold the broker liable. Conversely, if you are a broker and have been accused of any type of wrongful or negligent activity, you should always seek representation from a real estate lawyer.
If you are involved in a broker dispute, call the Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess in Seattle or Tacoma at (206) 621-1110 or (253) 572-1000 today.
Basis for broker disputes
Broker disputes can arise out of many different sets of circumstances for many different reasons, including the following:
- Breach of contract
- Breach of fiduciary duty1
- Violations of building codes
- Failing to disclose material property defects
- Failing to disclose liens or lawsuits that may affect the property sale
- Negligent or fraudulent misrepresentation of facts such as value of the property
- Other claims of misconduct
Legal claims between brokers and buyers or sellers have the potential to be lengthy cases that may lead to a trial. In order to limit the time, money, and energy you spend on your case, an attorney can help you explore alternate dispute resolution methods, including negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.2 Whether you are bringing a claim against a broker or a defending against a claim, it is important to settle the dispute in the most efficient way possible.
During a real estate transaction, it is always important to carefully document every communication in order to protect your rights should a legal issue later arise. An attorney can advise you on best practices to help avoid legal claims down the road.
Contact an experienced real estate lawyer for a consultation
If you are involved in a real estate transaction or dispute with a broker, you should not delay in consulting with an experienced real estate attorney at the Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess in Seattle or Tacoma today.
We offer phone consultations, so call today at (206) 621-1110 or (253) 572-1000 for help.