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Seattle, Tacoma, Portland Olympia Attorneys
Financial & Alder Abuse

The National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) reports1 that financial abuse and exploitation is a rapidly increasing form of elder abuse in the United States. Financial elder abuse occurs anytime another individual wrongfully or fraudulently takes money or property from an elderly adult. Financial abusers can be strangers, caretakers, or even trusted family members or […]

Guardianship Disputes

When an adult becomes incapacitated, they may require another individual to make legal decisions for them. Guardians can handle personal, legal, and financial affairs, as well as making decisions for physical health and well-being. The court must approve a guardianship and the guardianship usually remains effective until the incapacitated person regains competency or passes away.  […]

Divorce Mediation Help

Seattle Divorce & Mediation Attorney How can a mediator help with my divorce? Ending your marriage is not as simple as just requesting that the court grant a divorce. There are many different issues that must be settled before a court will officially dissolve your marriage. These issues include how you will divide your property, […]