Seattle and Tacoma Legal Entity Creation Attorneys
Helping business professionals establish and manage business entities.
Whether you are an entrepreneur or seasoned business person, your choice of business entity is among the most important decisions you can make. The type of entity you choose can have a variety of impact on a number of important issues, including taxation, personal liability for business debts, corporate governance, and the applicability of federal and state regulations. While it is possible to start as one type of business entity and transition to another, this is often very expensive and can also require a significant investment of time and resources. As a result, it is important that anyone who is considering embarking on a new business venture discuss their options with an experienced Seattle business law attorney as soon as possible.
For a phone consultation with one of our business law lawyers, call the Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess today at 206-621-1110 (Seattle), 253-572-1000 (Tacoma), 360-742-3500 (Olympia), 971-416-0881 (Portland).
Establishing business entities tailored to the specific needs of your business
The business entity that will best suit your business depends on a number of factors, including the size of your operation, the number of people involved, potential liabilities, and whether or not you want to issue securities to raise capital. If you are currently operating a business, you may be operating as a sole proprietorship or as a partnership without being aware of it. These various forms have different advantages and disadvantages to them, and a lawyer familiar with business formation will be able to analyze your particular situation and advise you as to what potential business entities may be a good fit. Among the most commonly used business entities used in Washington State are:
- Sole proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Limited liability companies
- S-Corporations
- C-Corporations
Contact a Seattle and Tacoma business law firm today for a consultation
Anyone considering forming a business entity in the state of Washington should discuss their options with an experienced attorney before making any decision or filing any paperwork with the state. Often, discussing your situation with an attorney can help avoid any potential issues before they even arise.
The lawyers at Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess look forward to serving you. Call to schedule a consultation at 206-621-1110 from Seattle, 253-572-1000 from Tacoma, 360-742-3500 from Olympia, or 971-416-0881 from Portland.